1926-1942 Family & Early Childhood

Glen Tetley

Full name: Glenford Andrew Tetley



Glen Tetley is born in Cleveland, Ohio to mother Eleanor Byrne Tetley and father Glenford Andrew Tetley on February 3, 1926.

Siblings Shirley (1922 - 2015) and Byrne (b.1931) complete the family unit.


Postcard image of Glen Tetley's mother Eleanor Byrne as a child vacationing at Lake Simcoe, Canada in 1905 with her brother Henry Byrne and parents Edward and Mame Byrne.


At ten years old, Glen Tetley's parents divorced. Tetley moved with mother and siblings to Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania (a suburb of Pittsburgh) USA. Family attended the Wilkinsburg Christian Church where Tetley’s grandmother, Mary Jones Byrne (married name, Dawson), was a deacon. His Great Grandfather, Patrick Henry Jones, was a minister in the Christian Church in Ohio.


Tetley attends sixth grade Kelly Elementary School, Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania.


Tetley attends Wilkinsburg Junior High School and was very involved with the school's newspaper "The Spotlight". Glen started as a Reporter then progressed to Assistant Editor and then Editor-in-Chief. Also was designated as a High Honors student.


Tetley attends high school at Wilkinsburg High School where he is elected as Editor of the school newspaper, “The HiWays.” Tetley not only excelled in academics, but was also a cheerleader for the sports teams and performed in the drama productions. 

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"The Spotlight" school newspaper for Wilkinsburg Junior High School in Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania of which Glen Tetley was a reporter and later Assistant Editor of.

Masthead for "The Spotlight" school newspaper. Glen Tetley listed as a Reporter. September 5, 1939.
Glen Tetley listed on the Wilkinsburg Junior High School High Honor Roll, published in the school newspaper, "The Spotlight" on September 27, 1939.

Article about the "Jackson Puppeteers" group in the Wilkinsburg Junior High school newspaper that Glen Tetley was a member of. Published in the December 21, 1939 edition.


Article announcing Glen Tetley as the new editor-in-chief of the Wilkinsburg Junior High school newspaper "The Spotlight". Published in the April 11, 1940 edition.


1926-1942 Family & Early Childhood